pim6statの結果 Multicast Routing Table Source Group RP-addr Flags ---------------------------(*,G)---------------------------- IN6ADDR_ANY ff1e::4321 3ffe:501:2400:0:2c0:4fff:fe68:4188 WC RP Joined oifs: .......... Pruned oifs: .......... Leaves oifs: l......... Asserted oifs: .......... Outgoing oifs: o......... Incoming : ........I. Upstream nbr: fe80::220:eaff:fe00:1432 TIMERS: Entry JP RS Assert MIFS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------(S,G)---------------------------- 3ffe:501:2c24:2100:200:e2ff:fe12:3cb7 ff1e::4321 3ffe:501:2400:0:2c0:4fff:fe68:4188 SPT CACHE SG Joined oifs: .........j Pruned oifs: .......... Leaves oifs: .......... Asserted oifs: .......... Outgoing oifs: .........o Incoming : I......... Upstream nbr: NONE TIMERS: Entry JP RS Assert MIFS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 210 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------------------------(*,*,RP)-------------------------- Number of Groups: 1 Number of Cache MIRRORs: 1 ---------------------------RP-Set---------------------------- Current BSR address: 3ffe:501:2409:180:2c0:4fff:fe68:418f RP-address Incoming Group prefix Priority Holdtime 3ffe:501:2400:0:2c0:4fff:fe68:4188 8 ff1e::4321/128 0 135 pc3.nezu.wide.ad.jp 8 ff00::/8 10 135